What's New at BGCLT

My 5 year Old Says They Can Wear Pjs Today….

Now summer is here and members aren't just staring at their chromebooks and zoom lessons any more, Club has got a lot more exciting, and with fun comes activities! If you don't trust your 5 year old to give you 100% reliable information on the weekly schedule, here are a few ways to ensure that you keep up to date with the goings on at Club.

By |2021-07-29T07:42:44-07:00July 8th, 2021|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Club News, Summer Activities, Summer Programs|Comments Off on My 5 year Old Says They Can Wear Pjs Today….

So Long Academic Year 20-21!

Well, what can we say? "Nice knowing you but don't come back again"?

I think we can all agree that the 2020-21 academic year was a doozy and all fingers and toes are crossed that we will be returning to something closer to normality in the fall.
By |2021-07-29T07:41:08-07:00June 17th, 2021|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Club News|Comments Off on So Long Academic Year 20-21!

Fortress Club: Keeping Up Our Defenses Until The Threat Is Gone!

At the end of April the CDC released their 2021 guidance for summer camps and youth clubs.  The general theme of the guidance was 'nothing has changed'.  For those of us who have been operating successfully for nearly a year under COVID restrictions - the take away is keep doing what you are doing and try to encourage everyone to vaccinate.

By |2021-07-29T07:37:53-07:00May 28th, 2021|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Club News, Community News|Comments Off on Fortress Club: Keeping Up Our Defenses Until The Threat Is Gone!
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