What's New at BGCLT

We are all a little nuts; But DON’T bring any to the Club!

From 1997 to 2008, peanut allergies in children more than tripled in the USA and no-one knows why. There are many theories, from our environments becoming cleaner with fewer natural infections in childhood, to increased use of medications reducing our immune system, or simply the way peanuts and peanut products are now processed.

By |2018-07-18T14:14:06-07:00July 18th, 2018|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Club News|Comments Off on We are all a little nuts; But DON’T bring any to the Club!

Endless Educational Fun in Tahoe this Summer

It is true that idle hands or minds can lead to trouble, but even more importantly, idle minds can result in a decrease in educational attainment. Studies have indicated that a child that does no academics over the summer will take until Halloween to be back at their pre-summer level. Here at the Club we do an hour of 'Brain Gain' every day of the summer. Simple, fun but educational activities that focus on reading and math. Doing Brain Gain ensures that our members retain all their learning from the prior school year and start the new year ready for the next level.

By |2018-06-22T16:03:26-07:00June 22nd, 2018|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Club News, Programs, Summer Programs|Comments Off on Endless Educational Fun in Tahoe this Summer

Summer kicked off in style with the Tahoe Brewfest

The second annual Tahoe Brewfest occurred on June 2nd in the Heavenly Cal Lodge Parking Lot. A celebration of all things craft beer and Tahoe, the Brewfest boasted 34 breweries, Parker Bros. Root Beer, kombucha, amazing live music from Ike and Martin, local food vendors and perfect weather.

By |2018-06-11T14:47:49-07:00June 11th, 2018|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Community News, Fundraising|Comments Off on Summer kicked off in style with the Tahoe Brewfest

I’m on the WAIT LIST for Summer! What do I do?!

While we wish we could accommodate every child and family in our community, the unfortunate truth is that we only have so much space. So if you are one of the families that are on our wait list, we are truly sorry, and here are a few suggestions and other options for childcare this summer.

By |2018-05-17T18:56:03-07:00May 17th, 2018|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Community News, Summer Activities|Comments Off on I’m on the WAIT LIST for Summer! What do I do?!
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