What's New at BGCLT

Plan Ahead for Germ Season

Let's plan ahead for germ season. Back to school is so exciting; new teachers, new friends, maybe a new school. But there is a downside to everyone reconvening together - and that is germs. The kids took a whole school year to build up their immunity and then over the summer met new people and went to new places with different germs. And now, before too soon, the familiar back to school coughs and colds will start.

By |2018-09-04T15:21:27-07:00September 4th, 2018|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Club News|Comments Off on Plan Ahead for Germ Season

Smoke Gets In My Eyes….

I have always liked the song 'Smoke gets in your eyes' but recently it has been going around my head for the wrong reason - I've literally had smoke in my eyes! No-one living in or visiting Tahoe that summer can have missed the impact on our air quality from all the fires across the State. The Mendocino Complex is now the biggest fire in California history and recent reports indicate that it could take until September to get it under control.

By |2018-08-10T23:34:33-07:00August 10th, 2018|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Community News|Comments Off on Smoke Gets In My Eyes….

Let’s party like it’s 2018!

The summer is flying by and before we know it the kids will be back at school. But not before the Club hosts an end of summer party to rival all end of summer parties – EVER! Once again, the Angel of Tahoe, Lisa Maloff is kindly hosting the event, which this year will be held from 10am to 4pm on FRIDAY 24th AUGUST at our main Club Site (1100 Lyon's Ave).

By |2018-08-01T16:17:26-07:00August 1st, 2018|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Community News, Events|Comments Off on Let’s party like it’s 2018!
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