Is this true?

Now summer is here and members aren’t just staring at their chromebooks and zoom lessons any more, Club has got a lot more exciting, and with fun comes activities!


If you don’t trust your 5 year old to give you 100% reliable information on the weekly schedule, here are a few ways to ensure that you keep up to date with the goings on at Club.


Social media – we try to put out a post every day on our Facebook and Instagram account.  These posts are informational about what is going on at Club and in the community and we also try to include photos of fun programs and activities.  If you use social media please be sure to follow us on at least one platform.


BAND – this is our messaging service and will send you a text or an email (you set your own preference) with messages from the Club.  These messages will be purely information and will announce events/enrollment/parent updates.  If you have not yet signed up for BAND please do so now.  Visit   BAND is OPT IN.  We can not enrol you – you have to do it for yourself.


The White Board – there is a white board outside the Club and this is updated regularly with pertinent information specific to Club members.  Please read this board EVERY day when picking up and dropping off your child.


We would also appreciate it if you could share information within your household, even if it is a split household.  Often we have one half of a family uninformed because it wasn’t their pick up day etc  It is important for YOUR child that everyone is kept informed of activities at the Club and please make sure we have accurate phone numbers and emails for everyone in your child’s life.


Emergencies – in the event of an emergency (power outage, shelter-in-place, snow day etc) notifications will go out on social media and BAND.  If we are doing a drill that will interfere with pick-up/drop-off we will try to let parents know in advance.  But to be sure that we can all respond correctly to an emergency, some drills need to be a surprise for everyone!


Meals – if you are interested to see our menu schedule (and know what your child is eating) please ask our front desk staff to give you one of the copies they keep at frontdesk.


Other important considerations are that sometimes changes in schedule/activities can happen quickly and outside of the Club’s control.  We do our best to notify parents with information as soon as we get it, but sometimes it takes a minute for us to formulate a new plan, and we try to do one update to ensure there is as little confusion as possible.


It is also important to note that sometimes activities are just for one group.  Some events or programs are age specific and sometimes individual staff like to reward their group with a special activity or event for good behavior (this is frequently ice cream days, PJs days, a trip off-site etc).  So if your child tells you that X got to do Y but they didn’t; don’t assume it was because they were being left out.  Their opportunity for a special treat will come at another time.


When special classes/activities/events happen there are often sign-up sheets or permission slips attached.  Please help out the staff by signing and returning those ASAP or telling us in writing that you do not want your child to participate; it helps greatly with our planning.


Finally, if in doubt, you can always call the Club to verify….530 542 0838.  We recommend putting that number in your phone!