Community News

Preparing For Reopening

The Club staff have been hard at work for the last two weeks preparing for the Club to reopen for the summer.  Just as with restaurants, casinos etc there are new guidelines that the Club will be following to ensure that we provide as safe an environment as possible for our members and staff.  

By |2020-05-31T00:25:56-07:00May 31st, 2020|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Club News, Community News, Programs|Comments Off on Preparing For Reopening

Fighting for Survival

So evil Mom has gone public on Facebook and we are taking some flak.  Is this ok or too much of an emotional reaction? Fighting for Survival. While there have been amazing stories of community support, engagement and kindness during the recent COVID-19 crisis, there have also been a number of sad instances when individuals, businesses and even those trying to help, have been attacked on social media and their integrity called into question.

By |2020-05-18T10:32:13-07:00May 16th, 2020|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Club News, Community News, Fundraising|Comments Off on Fighting for Survival

Introducing Team AWESOME

For those of you familiar with the Club, you will know that we think that our members are awesome.  So awesome that we make them chant 'we are awesome' at all our Club meetings.   AWESOME is our Club mantra and stands for the values and principles that we expect from members, staff and which the Club operates by.

By |2020-04-23T20:21:48-07:00April 23rd, 2020|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Club News, Community News, Donation & Charity Drives, Fundraising|Comments Off on Introducing Team AWESOME

How to Help your Children (and yourself) Cope in Times of Stress

Not since the 2nd World War have we experienced an international crisis such as we are living through today and every single family in our community, state and nation is affected. This is an incredibly stressful time for parents and children are hyper attuned to emotions and tension.  They pick up on EVERYTHING regardless of how subtle or secretive you think you are being.  Unfortunately, children often respond to anxiety and uncertainty by exhibiting negative behaviors.  Further increasing your stress and tension and creating a tough living environment, particularly when you are all at home together.

By |2020-04-15T22:05:39-07:00April 15th, 2020|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Club News, Community News|Comments Off on How to Help your Children (and yourself) Cope in Times of Stress
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