29th Annual Golf Classic Raised over $100,000
The 29th Annual Golf Classic welcomed 154 golfers to Edgewood Tahoe on October 16th. We couldn’t have ordered better weather conditions, with blue skies, zero winds and temps in the high 60s.
The 29th Annual Golf Classic welcomed 154 golfers to Edgewood Tahoe on October 16th. We couldn’t have ordered better weather conditions, with blue skies, zero winds and temps in the high 60s.
One of the complaints that we used to get when we were renting the Al Tahoe school was that we never closed. An odd complaint we used to think, as the ethos of 'school is out, Club is open' is what we are all about. However, now we are in our own building, and working hard to maintain a clean, safe and well maintained environment, we understand the complaint.
LTUSD has placed a Special Bond Measure on the November 8th ballot with the aim of raising funding to improve and modernize all six schools in the District.
Yesterday was a wonderful day at Club as we added over one hundred new members to our 2022/23 afterschool membership. Some were brand new to Club, others were familiar faces from the summer who all the staff were excited to see again.