Boys and Girls Club of Lake Tahoe is proud to be participating in the the Youth of the Year (YOY) finals, with our own Josh Kornbeck. We are proud to have Josh with us and all he has to offer to the club. On April 17th, 2014 Josh will be going to the YOY conference in Oakland, California. There he will be presenting a speech on why he qualifies for the honor of being the Youth of the Year. Josh will be competing against twelve other Boys and Girls Club members to see who will be chosen to be the Youth of the Year for Northern California. Josh has faced many challenges in his life and despite so he has stood out as an outstanding role-model for both his family and his fellow members of the Boys and Girls Club.Everyone who has ever worked with Josh would agree that he shows great integrity, motivation and sensibility towards his goals and responsibilities. Josh has remained such a active member at Boys and Girls Club from helping coach Junior Giants with the younger members to participating in fundraisers to help raise money for activities for the club. We are very honored and excited to have Josh with us, and look forward to further helping him continue to reach his goals.


YOTY Josh Kornbeck