For a while it felt like summer would never arrive but it is finally here and we are ready to start our summer program. Below is LOTS of useful information that will be helpful to you over the summer and ensure that your child is prepped, ready and dressed for an amazing summer!
Opening hours: the Club is open from 8 am until 5:30 pm. PLEASE do not drop off before 8 am or pick up after 5:30 pm. Repeated offenses could earn you a suspension from the Club. If you have to be at work before 8 am, then we ask that your children carpool with other members. We can help facilitate introductions of necessary. The same goes for pick up time.
Drop-off times: to enable us to facilitate off-site trips and group schedules, please drop-off your child between 8-10 am or 12-1 pm.
Meal times: breakfast is served from 8-9 am, lunch 12-1 pm and snack 3-4 pm Monday through Friday. A menu can be picked up from the front desk. You are also welcome to provide your own food and we highly recommend that everyone brings extra snacks. If your child has food allergies please let us know ASAP and complete the allergy form (which must be signed by your Doctor) and we will be able to purchase alternative foods for them. Allergies can be a major health risk so the more we know about your child’s condition, the safer we can make them. This includes allergies to bees, sunscreen etc
Backpacks: please ensure that your child brings a backpack EVERY day containing the following items: water bottle, extra snacks, hat, sunscreen, chapstick, extra clothing (underwear, t-shirt, shorts). If your child needs a backpack then we do have backpacks to give to families in need thanks to #Hooters.
Please don’t bring the following items: Pokemon cards, electronics (they may get lost or broken), expensive items that you can’t easily afford to replace, play weapons, or favorite toys. The more expensive or cherished an item is, the greater the chance that it gets lost, damaged or broken! We have loads of toys at the Club, so keep everything else at home.
Closed toed shoes: we are active ALL day and it is vital for their comfort and safety that your child is wearing appropriate closed toed shoes. Sneakers are ideal or sandals with the toe area covered. Flip flops are dangerous and are not permitted. Failing to send your child in close toed shoes may prevent them from participating in certain activities.
Sunscreen: please put sunscreen on your child before they leave home and also have them carry extra in their backpack. We try to avoid having our staff apply to sunscreen to children, and if they must it will be in spray form, which the child is then responsible for rubbing in. So much better to slap it on at home and be good to go for the day.
Injuries: scraped knees, bug bites and sand in the eye are all part of an epic summer, however, for more serious injuries you will get a phone call. As policy we call to inform you anytime there is a knock to the head and will ask you to collect any child that is vomiting or has an unexplained rash or other potentially contagious illness. All staff are trained in cpr and first aid, but sadly we don’t have an x-ray machine (we wish we did!) and can’t give out any medications. Children complaining of headache or stomach ache will be asked to rest for a short while and regularly reassessed. We will also ask them to drink water. We provide band aids etc but if you want to donate a box or two over the summer we will be eternally grateful!
Update and information: the front desk is the fountain of all knowledge. Please read the white board on a daily basis and also pay attention to the flyers and notices posted at front desk. They will tell you everything you need to know. Also watch our facebook page for updates, posts about our great activities and to see your kid having fun. Please also read your texts/emails from REMIND (and sign up for them if you haven’t already). They contain vital information and is the method that we would use to contact you if there was a whole Club emergency (wildfire, power outage etc).
Behavior: the summer is all about having fun. And we all have more fun when we are being kind and treating everyone with respect. The Club has a zero tolerance for bullying, fighting or theft. Physical altercations carry a mandatory suspension from Club, and if you child isn’t capable of acting appropriately they may be placed on a behavior contract or asked to leave. You can support your child by setting YOUR, high, expectations for their behavior over the summer and working with the Club and staff to ensure they are met. When we act as a team your child benefits even more.
Save the date: the end of summer party will be on Friday 16th August. Dan the Magician is already booked and there will be food, music, bounce houses and entertainment. Everyone is invited!
Finally, we have so much fun planned for this summer. From camps to water days, field trips to parties, and following the guidance above will ensure that it is the best summer ever. And please, if you need any assistance, just ask any of our staff and they will help you.