What's New at BGCLT

Cyber Bullying – The New Wolf in the Playground

For the past two weeks my Facebook page has been inundated with ridiculously cute pictures of kids starting new grades and sometimes even new schools. The start of the school year is often a fraught time for parents. Do they have all the supplies they need, does their first day outfit conform to what is cool right now, is their best friend in their class and will their teacher realize their potential? But over the past few years, a new concern for parents has come onto the scene; will my child be a victim of cyber bullying?

By |2017-09-29T15:04:28-07:00September 11th, 2017|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Community News|Comments Off on Cyber Bullying – The New Wolf in the Playground

Back to School

The 2017/2018 school year is here already and after an awesome fun packed summer here at the Club, we are excited to transition to our after-school program and to meet all our new and returning members.

By |2017-08-24T11:23:32-07:00August 24th, 2017|Categories: Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, Programs|Comments Off on Back to School

“The Play is the Thing!”

Next Friday, August 4th, the whole of the Club will be spending the day at Valhalla for the 2nd annual ‘Will’s Kids’ event. In partnership with Live Violence Free, Tahoe Youth and Family and D. G. Menchetti’s Young Shakespeare Program, the Boys and Girls Club is hosting a whole day of arts, crafts and culture at the Valhalla Estate on Emerald Bay Road.

By |2017-09-29T15:04:29-07:00July 26th, 2017|Categories: Events|Comments Off on “The Play is the Thing!”
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