The Club is OPEN!
Monday the 22nd June was a wonderful day for the Club, as we welcomed back our members for the start of our summer program. We are extremely grateful to the experts and advisors who helped review our safety plan and ensure that we can open in a safe and responsible manner. Namely, Dr Clint Pervance, CEO of Barton Health, members of the El Dorado County Childcare Planning Advisory Council, colleagues from the Boys and Girls Club of Western Nevada (who were open during the shut down and even let our team tour their Club to learn vital tips and tricks!) and the Boys and Girls Club of North Lake Tahoe. We based our policies and procedures on guidance from the State of California (day camps) and the Center for Disease Control (day care and school guidance) and we will change and adapt our policies and practices as new guidance and best practices are released. We would also like to thank the LTUSD Board and our own Club Board for greenlighting our reopening.