It is hard to believe that we are already a month into 2019, but so much has happened in January that for the staff it feels like it should be summer already!
Sierra House:

As most of you will know, Sierra House Elementary is still in residence at Main Site and will be for some months to come. We are now settling into a routine and getting back into our usual schedule. However, we do recommend that Club parents avoid our parking lot between 2.45pm and 3.45pm. Both for the sake of your sanity and to ensure that all the buses can get in and out relatively quickly.
President’s break:

Sign ups for President’s Week are now finished, but not all places have been taken. Amber will be working down the wait list of whole year and after-school only members to get as many children in as possible. During President’s week we will be doing a teen snow-camping trip with the Tahoe Rim Trail Association on the 21st – teaching snow survival tricks and Leave No Trace guidelines for when in snow.

The design of our new building is coming along quickly and we hope to make the final design public relatively soon. Safety, practicality and flexibility have been our focus and we are confident that the building is not only going to be the most secure building on the South Shore but also the most fun.
Upcoming activities:

In February we will be starting our search for our 2019 Youth of the Year and Junior Youth of the Year. We have an amazing list of candidates and will be holding the final judging on March 29th. Big thanks to Cowork Tahoe (formerly the Mountain Lab) for providing the venue for the judging as our meeting room is now the Sierra House staff room! The same day we will be promoting the Tahoe Brewfest at the South Shore Business Expo (see us there for VIP tickets for the price of general entry) and next week our Program Team of Ali, Ashley and Nico will be attending the CA After-School Network training conference in Long Beach. We fully expect them to come back with lots of new ideas and programs for the Club.
Lisa Maloff is turning 90:
This coming Wednesday, a small group from the Club will have the honor of attending Lisa Maloff’s 90 birthday party. Tahoe Blue Vodka kindly donated a beautiful gift for us to give to Lisa and we also have a message book going around the Club for members, staff and parents to sign. If you’d like to send Lisa birthday wishes, the book will be at Bijou or Friday and Main Site on Monday. Or you can email [email protected] and I will add your message for you.
Snow days:

Looks like we could be getting some snow next Monday. As a reminder, if LTUSD is closed then so is the Club, and please keep dressing your child in warm snow clothes, waterproof boots, hats and gloves. Fresh snow is great fun to play in but only if you have the right equipment.