2025-2026 After-School Program: Applications will be open from July 7th-25th. Successful applicants will be notified on August 1.

If you have any questions regarding our after school program, email [email protected].

We will update members via text, Facebook, email and this website with Club information.

2024-2025 After School Program (Kindergarten & Up) ᐁ

The Club’s interest forms for our 2024-2025 After School Program is CLOSED. If you need to get to your Parent Portal, click HERE.

Our After School Membership includes all school days, including minimum days. Our program excludes snow days, national holidays, and days when schools are closed due to trainings and vacations.


The Angel of Tahoe Building (Main Club building) – Sierra House, STMS and STHS

Meyers Elementary – for Meyers students only

Bijou Elementary – for Bijou students only

Tahoe Valley – for Tahoe Valley students only

Operating Hours

The Angel of Tahoe Building will be open until 6:30pm.

Bijou, Magnet, and Tahoe Valley will be open from the end of the school day until 5:30pm.

Family Income (Enrolled in LTUSD) Cost
Families who qualify for free and reduced meals, children in foster care, or children classified as homeless FREE
Family income under $50,000 FREE
Family income under $75,000 $400
Family income under $100,000 $500
Family income over $100,000 $600
Family income over $125,000 $700
Family income over $150,000 $800
Family income over $175,000 $900
Family income over $200,000 $1000

*If your child is enrolled in another district. an after school membership will be $1000.

*50-day Punch Card (use throughout the school year not including breaks) will be $350

School Vacations

The Club will operate a full day schedule during the school vacations (excluding National Holidays).  Vacations days will only be held at the Angel of Tahoe Building and spaces will be limited.  Club members will apply for each vacation, and information about the application process will be sent via text/email and social media.  Signs up traditionally happen 3 or 4 weeks prior to each vacation.

Family Income (Enrolled in LTUSD) Cost per Day
Families who qualify for free and reduced meals, children in foster care, or children classified as homeless FREE
Family income under $50,000 FREE
Family income under $75,000 $5
Family income under $100,000 $10
Family income under $150,000 $15
Family income under $200,000 $20
Everyone else (over $200,000, nonmember, not LTUSD student) $25

Frequently Asked Questions