Our Mission

Our Vision
To be the place in our community where all young people are welcome. To have all of our members advance each grade level on time and prepared for the next school year. To be a second home for our members where they get to participate in programs and have experiences that they might not otherwise have had.
We believe in education, and to that end we make sure our members are introduced to the joy of learning through fun and entertaining lessons and activities. Our Program Leaders design programs that engage our members in reading, spelling, and writing to develop their Language Arts Skills. They integrate math into sports programs so that our members are constantly practicing what they are learning in school and applying that knowledge to real-life situations. We also explore science, geography, history, and fitness. At the end of the day, we want to know that we have given our members the opportunity to excel in all areas of their life.
At Boys & Girls Club Lake Tahoe, we provide:
- A safe place to learn and grow
- Ongoing relationships with caring adult professionals and volunteers
- Life-enhancing programs and character development experiences
- Focus on educational attainment and good citizenship
Our History
In 1991, the Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe was incorporated as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. Community members formed a Board of Directors and began the process of establishing youth development programs for the south shore community.
By 1993, the Club was accepted into the membership of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. This same year the Club hired the first Executive Director and established school based satellite programs. The programs were offered at five elementary schools within the Lake Tahoe Unified School District.
The Club expanded into the state of Nevada in 1998 and opened a site at a public housing unit. This expansion enforced the Club’s mission of serving youth in the south shore area regardless of which side of the state line they lived. The housing facility was demolished in April of 2004, but it is still our mission to serve children in both states.
On July 10th, 2001, the Board of Director realized another long-range goal by signing a joint use agreement with the Lake Tahoe Unified School District for the construction and use of facilities between the two entities. With this signing came a most generous gift of $505,000 from the Park Cattle Company for costs associated with construction. New building plans are currently suspended, awaiting the outcome of variables within the community and the school district.
In the fall of 2004, the Club expanded its single site which was located in the portables at Al Tahoe Elementary School into two sites. The Club occupied a wing in the old Al Tahoe School and provides programs in the MPR at Bijou Elementary. The Al Tahoe site served middle school and elementary school children.
In December 2021, the Club launched the Building Bright Futures Campaign to raise the remaining funds for a new Clubhouse. In April 2022, the Angel of Tahoe building was completed and opened for members.
The Club expanded their programs to Meyers Elementary School, formally known as Magnet Elementary School, at the start of the 2022-2023 school year. In the 2023-2024 school year, the Club also started providing programs at Tahoe Valley Elementary School for TK and Kinder.
1991 – Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe founded
1992 – Lake Tahoe Club Chartered
1995 – New Club chartered at Lake Park Apts
2004 – New Club chartered at Bijou Elementary
2004 – New expanded site opens at Al Tahoe Elementary School
2022 – Grand opening of the Angel of Tahoe building
2022 – New Club chartered at Lake Tahoe Environmental Science Magnet School
2023 – New Club chartered at Tahoe Valley Elementary School for TK & Kinder

Our Impact
Boys and Girls Club of America
The Boys and Girls Club of Lake Tahoe is affiliated with the Boys and Girls Club of America. Our Club follows the principles and guidelines of our parent organization; however our Club is managed and financed entirely separately from BGCA.
BGCA was conceived in Connecticut in the 1860s when local women started programs for young boys living in poverty and without positive influences and education in their lives. It became a nationwide movement in the 1906 and received Congressional Charter in 1956. Girls have long been an important part of the Clubs and the name was officially changed to recognize this in 1990.
To learn more about the BGCA please visit their website.